Left Alone in Isolation (The Poem)

The Idea of Isolation is one that many are familiar with, the feeling of being alone, trapped, only with your thoughts, no one to support you, to protect you, not even to just be there with you

Feeling like you can't reach out for help, but you want help, you want to be better, but the words don't come out, as if something, or someone was stopping you

The thoughts that your left with seem to scream out to you, with nothing else around you, they sound louder than they have before

They make you believe things that aren't true, that no matter what you do, you will never be better, that no one wants to be around you, that everyone is better than you, more confident, more important, just more than you

You try to make sense of it, that surely it can't be true, but at the same time it is your voice saying it right? You're the only one around, no one is telling you that, so why do you believe it? Can't you just change it in your head? Believe something better, more positive? 

Well that's the problem, once you believe it, it sticks, sometimes for a day, sometimes for a week, and sometimes for the rest of your life, and you can't change that

It feels like your mine, or whatever it is, is holding you back, pulling you around with a string, a string of lies, but you only hold on as to you, it's the truth

You can't help but believe those words, those lies, as no one is telling you that you're wrong, because your alone, alone in your own world at that point, blind to the pain

Though some believe when it comes to isolation is that your sick, can't be around others as you don't want to affect them, though you stay away as to not be a bother, to not be a problem, as you believe no one can help you, fix you, make you better, they wouldn't want to waste their time on you and your problems

You can't explain why you feel like that, you just do, your thoughts are just nagging you, pulling you away, away from everyone, believing you can do it all on your own, with no help, no support, and no company

As why would someone care so much to help someone like you, like you, someone who is wrong, different, a nobody, a freak, that's how you see yourself, that's what your thoughts tell you, the intrusive thoughts, so everyone else must agree, right?



16 years old