Mud mingling with snow mingling with dirt,
the remnants of red nail polish from
Valentine's Day,
how has it lasted so long?
The sun a hot fiery ball over the cloud-speckled horizon,
hurting my eyes, an eclipse on its way.
My soft blue shirt and favorite leggings, the millions of text messages
I won't notice until hours later.
Long playlists and daydreams about you.
Observation #1:
I don't run like a runner.
I haven't been told how exactly to move my legs,
my arms, to propel me,
haven't been hardwired to win.
Sometimes I wonder if the cars
passing me on the narrow strip of road
wonder if I'm running to something,
or from something,
because I couldn't possibly be doing this for exercise.
Observation #2:
It's Easter, but it's not even April.
It's far too early for the flowers, the dyed eggs, the chocolate, the plush rabbits.
I don't want this now, this celebration of life and love and spring, when snow still clings to the ground and wind still blows the trees bare of leaves.
I don't want time to fall through my fingers, I don't want days like this to be wasted.
(Is this a wasted day? I don't know.)
Observation #3:
You probably don't know I exist.
although I guess I'm exaggerating, because you do,
you must,
you looked into my eyes just two weeks ago--
and sure, your eyes were distant and unseeing but they were there,
ever so blue and looking into mine, and you said something that I forgot,
because that didn't matter, did it?
Long conversations about how moods change with the seasons.
The colder it is, the sadder I get.
So why can't it feel like spring? I wish for warmth and flowers and a light breeze.
I wish to hear the sound of your laugh at my self-deprecating jokes,
I wish people saw me for who I am.
Am I asking for too much?
Observation #4:
My legs hurt but I never want to stop running.
Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Spring '24: Writing Contest.
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