last bits of autumn.

autumn leaves fall by my feet

they crinkle and crunch.

i wake up one morning and take a walk by the stream

i notice the clouds my breath makes in the cold air

and i look up to the trees

one small leaf

a colorful orange and yellow leaf

hanging there by itself

"where did its friends go?"

i ask wholeheartedly.

i look to the ground.

"well they're covered in snow!"

a voice in my head says happily.

"it'll be gone by June."

it says.

"i know that."

i look up to the lonely leaf

the wind blows it away.

the last bit of autumn is gone.

and we have to wait for next year.

autumn shows us nothing can last forever

not even something that seems true.

"autumn goes by fast"

i think as i walk back

"that's the truth."



13 years old

More by mmae_ee

  • the journal

    i have always journaled,

    ever since i was 6.

    sure back then my entries were just doodles of my day,

    but it still helped me convey my emotions.


    i was at the shop with my mom,

  • lunch table thoughts.

    i sit at the lunch table with my few friends,

    i have so many thoughts at this time,

    i am silent.


    i need new friends.

    i think.

    new friends that don't treat me like i'm dirt.