Just Relax

Spring brings something everyone finds happy: the lengthening of days and nights. But it also brings stress, with an extra workload for many: final projects and tests, worrisome deadlines, and everything in between. Sometimes we need an evening to ourselves, an hour or so of doing something we love. Imagine, for a moment, that this is a luxury you are enjoying. After a delicous supper of comfort food (pasta, perhaps? Or maybe just breakfast for dinner) life has slowed down. You decide to run a steaming bath filled with eucalyptus-scented bubbles, and read for a while, enjoying a good book and just relaxing. After this, drying off in a large fluffy towel, you sit back onto the couch, a blanket over your knees, and put on your favorite nostalgic Disney movie. How about "Tangled" or "The Lion King"? You fall into the magic of the story that this kind of movie always brings, and have to be nudged back to consciousness when it's over by a small calico cat. 
Lighting a few candles, you curl up with your cat and start on an embroidery or knitting project. It may sound old fashioned, but is very calming. The soothing voice of the Harry Potter audio book narrator plays in the background, and the purring of your cat is the only other thing to be heard. Soon, the sun has set completely, and the moon is rising. You think vaguely of Remus Lupin the werewolf when you remember tonight is the full moon, and smile as you head up to bed. Your room is soft and welcoming, and as you slide between your silky sheets and close your eyes, thoughts of balmy summer days float in your brain. "Today was a good day" you think, smiling. 




16 years old

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