Spotted, spoiled-milk;
Look beyond these grimy walls
And see the horse tail
Brush into existence fierce vermillion stripes,
Goldenrod veins clambering upwards…
Those that fall into a steep drop, roiling,
Furrowing waves;
They simply boil around us,
Licking affectionately up my fingers,
Spilling, tasty
Into my palms.
Droplets flop like a panting salmon,
Upon rocks sharp enough to slice.
It's the openness…
And then closed, huddled,
On a white bed with a hard, crumbling pillow.
It’s watching the paleness of a cheek,
And the closing of the eye.
With a fwoosh,
Such a vivid backdrop, tree leaves catching
Honeyed scarlet, blushing burnt umber…
They race and scramble across the spines of mountains,
Howling and dancing amongst the zephyrs.
The stars spark,
An open flame
Dangling above me,
Partly covered by dripping, wrung cloth-clouds
One foot by Alioth -
And then end, sort of gripping,
Sort of just passing by
The night sky shines with all of its magnitude…
Absolute chaos…
Of a thousand royal indigo
Blues, whipping, angry,
And then,
As if peeking behind a theatrical curtain,
The moon saunters out,
So bright I swear
It must
Be the sun,
For when I stretch out my hand,
A shadow forms, making peace signs and hearts,
Forefinger held close to my thumb in a solid caress.
I feel so small under this great, great shield of black and blue,
A budding bruise lightens me up,
I press on it, wince
In the pain;
It grows dark and rocky like the boulders above me.
But, I suppose,
The darkness also drifts me into a stupor,
Revel in the heat as stones steam and sputter beside me,
Snow drifts from above, but doesn’t yet touch…
So, to be honest,
I can't be bothered to really think about all of this
Wonderful prose and immense feeling because
I’m sort of
What would you do?
Oh, such dramatics,
It’s like the moon…
But fluorescent and striking.
I start up,
Cool rock steady me! as
Dangers and lightning, and the rapid swallowing of a stuck foot under
Water and I marvel
At the contrast
Of God,
Who sits beside
Me and
For me to
Notice what? I don’t know…
Mazes and homes,
I feel self-righteous among others,
And a coward by myself.
Maybe that’s what I’m supposed to notice.
But shh, be quiet.
Let me sleep,
And I’ll tell you a story later.
Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Fall '23: Writing.
"Droplets flop like a panting salmon" What a line! This whole poem is full to bursting with such textured imagery!
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