Inaccurate valid Error

Your opinions aren't invalid.
in fact I think they are too valid,
So blatantly true that half the world might plug their ears,
Afraid of the truth.
And your statements aren't incorrect,
Just the opposite I feel,
They are too correct.
The slap in the face everyone is dreading,
Filled with cold seeping sorrow
From where the acceptance should be.
And I don't think your mindset is ignorant.
The exact reverse actually.
Too knowledgeable. 
Analytical, morally conscies, studied to a mastering level 
Of understanding.
The understanding people are too ignorant to understand.
Too shy to accept.
Your percent error must be inaccurate.
Because it is almost too flawless. 
It is so free of tangled errors people worry.
That percentage is so miniscule a microscope would need to squint to see it.
Because there is no error.
It is the truth.
The honest, knowledgeable, moral, fantastic truth.
So no;
Your opinions aren't invalid,
Your statements fail to be incorrect
Your mindset is incapable of being ignorant in this matter.
Your percent error is in negative numbers.
Because you have these righteous ideas,
That many have yet to see, feel, taste, embrace. 
Perhaps the majority 
Has yet to think about it at all.
Hear this vision without squirming in their seats,
Calling you out on your invalid ignorance. 
The world has yet to have that eureka moment
Of a new and changing mind
But no.
Those thoughts of yours aren't incorrect and ignorant.
Your statments are too reasonable,
The sencerity makes people uncomfortable.
Your mindset is too ridicualously accurate.
Your honesty makes people think as they've never had before.
Your words fail to hold a hint of valid error. 
And this candor makes people itch,
the result of thinking. 
Because your opinions,
Your honest, knowledgeable, moral, fantastic mindset.
Is the truth. 



YWP Alumni Advisor

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