If I could go anywhere

If I could go anywhere in the world I think that I would go to Costa Rica. I want to go to Costa Rica partly because of the wildlife and insects that live there, but also because of the beautiful scenery. The wildlife in Costa Rica is very tropical and different from the wildlife here in Vermont where I live, and I have not been able to experience tropical wildlife. I have always been fascinated by animals like toucans, sloths, monkeys, parrots, and jaguars. Luckily all of those animals live in Costa Rica. 

Another reason I want to go to Costa Rica is because when I was in third

grade, my best friend went to Costa Rica, and he told me all about it and all the experiences he had. So I basically fell in love with the idea of going to Costa Rica a long time ago. I have also heard that the people in Costa Rica are nice. One place in Costa Rica I want to go to is the Northern plains, and I want to go there because of the Arenal volcano and hot springs. An added bonus is that my mom was a geology major, so going to a volcano is perfect. I also want to go snorkeling or scuba diving on Costa Rica's Caribbean coast because the water there is clear and you can see lots of marine life in the water. I think that would be really cool.    The last reason I want to go to Costa Rica is I think I could learn a lot of new things about the people who live there and their culture. I know right now traveling is tricky because of Covid, but people are always fighting Covid and making sure that everyone is as safe as possible . So I feel safe traveling because of the people on the front lines.    

Thetford Academy


YWP Instructor

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