If I could complete a world record

If I could complete a world record it would be learning how to do a handstand. I want to learn how to do a handstand because most of my friends can do one but I can’t, so I want to learn how to0. Also, I want to learn so then I can learn something new. I want to learn something new because I am tired of doing the same things over and over. I want to learn how to do new tricks because I am tired of doing the same tricks.

First, I would have to practice standing on my head because if I was to stand on my hands first then I could fall and get really hurt. So, I have to practice standing on my head. Also, I want to get comfortable standing on my head before I stand on my hands. I would also practice getting my balance good on my head. I need to start on my head because if I don’t start on my head then It would make it harder to learn how to do it because I would just stand on my hands when I’m not comfortable yet. 

Next, I would practice standing up on my hands. I have to do this because I can’t learn how to balance on my hands if I can’t stand up on my hands. Also, I would use pillows so then that way if I do fall I will land on a soft cushion and not on a hard surface. If I don't practice on my hands then I would just fall.
Last but not least, I would practice gaining my balance and making sure I don't fall. I have to make sure I don’t hit my head on something so I would want to do it some place where there's nothing that I can get hurt on. I think completing handstands for a world record would be great.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                



17 years old

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