If Autumn Were a Person

Wisps of long brown hair

escaping a orange knit hat

Honey brown eyes

Surrounded by black-rimmed glasses

Heart-shaped lips

Lightly covered in lip gloss

Cream sweater

Under a green puffy jacket

Black jeans

Tall socks

With orange, cream, brown, and black stripes

Brown boots

Worn-in and loved

The scent of leaves

Lingers like a perfume

Each breath

A gust of wind

Each step

The rustling of the trees

Each tear

A reminder that winter is on its way

Each smile

The joy children feel

Jumping in leaf piles

Throwing leaves in the air

Hiking through the woods

Each tree its own rainbow

If Autumn were a person

I would love to meet her

Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Autumn '24: Writing. See Award Winners and All Submissions.



13 years old

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