i won't forget

Dear America. 

I don't think you ever loved me, no, 
i lost that illusion a long time ago, 
maybe the people inside you cared a little, 
but you? I don't think so, 

Dear America. 

These countries stuck inside of me 
they're a part of me, i don't think you can see 
that i cannot give one up for you, cannot fight for you
against people who have my blood in their veins, 
this language on their tongue, 
my homeland's dirt on their boots, 
a mother's fear on their gun, 

Dear America. 

Please try to be patient with me, 
I know that you can't see a whole countries history 
written in my eyes, but next time just 
realize before you meddle that it might be justified 
later when they call death to your name, 
it's not because everyone in that country is one 
and the same as their government, no, 
it is because they might have been willing to forgive, 
but now that you have destroyed them even more, 
they will never forget. 

Dear America. 

So i stand before you not quite black not quite white,
there was never a checkmark for whatever i was, 
you always made it very clear that other was where i belonged, 
alien was my name, you never bother to twist your 
tongue to accomodate the syllables that defined me, 

Dear America. 

i don't want your half twisted honesty, just look at me, 
if i told you i was raped in front of a court, would you believe me? 
no, because apparently a woman's promise never 
stood for anything in this country anyway, we should have 
known from the witch trials that started so early that 
you never believed us, 

Dear America. 

How could you dare to abandon me, with all this talk 
about how there were fine people on both sides of the line, 
sure, fine people who given the choice might kill my family,
don't even try to dance this dance with me, i'm not a fool, 
i won't go that easily, 

Dear America. 

so when people are coming in and shooting up your schools 
with guns that they aquired legally, condemning the children 
of your people to death so easily, it's all about mental health and 
the rights of people to live with weapons that could take them 
on a killing spree but when one terrorist charges in and there 
are people dead, suddenly it's all about condemning Muslims 
and taking away their rights, kicking them out of your country, 
don't mess with me, 

Dear America. 

You claim you care about the "children" that haven't been born yet, 
well I think that you should turn your attention to the children who have, 
the children who are laying dead on the schoolhouse floor, 
the children you couldn't be bothered to protect instead of embryos inside 
of a womans body, instead of protesting outside Planned Parenthood
maybe protest the people who fill your childrens lungs with smoke 
because of the money, because without a cleaner Earth those embryos 
won't have a future anyway. 

Dear America. 

you move on so quickly from one thing to another, you can forget
an almost drowned child holding on to his mother after getting off that boat, 
you can forget seventeen dead in your own schools, you can forget
that if we don't do something soon, we're going to die because of all the fumes, 
you can forget that children are in cages, you can forget that nothing ever changes,
you can forget that your administrators abuse, you can forget anything 
that doesn't make the news, you can forget too much, and then you ask me what's wrong, 
maybe it's because i wasn't born here, but i don't forget, 

Dear America. 

i love you. i love you so much, because my friends are here, because 
even though there is too many things going wrong, there are so many things 
going right, because even though it can be scary at times, at least 
I am allowed to speak my mind, because even though i feel you don't want me, 
i'll be damned if i abandom my country because i'm afraid, because 

Dear America. 

Through it all i will stay,
i will fight,
and i will try to fix you, 

Dear America. 

Thank you. 



19 years old

More by Nightheart

  • My People (As Anchors)

    Brown bodies sink, 
    are weighted, stick 
    to the ocean floor, falling
    from overcrowded rafts
    into the arms of their heathen’s heaven.

    Brown bodies are shot over 
    the border like cannon balls.
  • Bluebird song

    Climate Change Contest: Gold

    I wish I hadn’t been born in the Age of Extinction, 
    I really don’t think my origami heart was made for this,
  • An American prayer

    This is an American prayer. 
    This is a mother lifting her child onto her fingertips. 
    This is our planes leaving. 
    This is a blurry green shot of a soldier. 
    This is a history book.