I Run

One foot in front of the other

Pursuing the search for my goal

Feet pounding against the solid ground

Heart pounding against my chest

The rain pummeling the dirt 

The wind whisking the hair out of my face

The mud that sticks to my sneakers

The dirt and the grooves on my shoes bonding and breaking to carry me

The transition from rain to snow

As if a light was switched on in my head

A new path appears

A new choice

A choice only I can make

To keep moving 

Or to stay put in whatever feeling

The clouds and what’s above them

The sun and beyond

I want to be carried by my own faith

Always on my feet

Moving at a steady pace

No such thing as what’s behind me

No such thing as whatever’s in front of me

Just this moment

And this moment

And this moment

And forever

On and on

Running from something


I run for everything

An escape from the reality that embraces us in surreality

An escape from the time that holds us in timelessness 

We are all fruits of existence for the purpose of nourishment

We exist for others alone and yet 

we exist for ourselves only

So I run

We all have to keep moving somehow

There’s no getting ahead of yourself

You’re right where you are

At the end of the day it's all happened 

You’ve seen it all


Move On

One foot in front of the other

Pursuing the search for my goal

As there once was a time there is a time now 

Yet our being is timeless, yet mortal

So I run

I run




14 years old

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