(Climbing a mountain) "I LOVE WRITING POETRY' I say on the hilltops 

(Finishing The American Poetry Museum) "I love written poetry" I say in the gift shop

(In a cafe with a friend) "I love writing poetry" I say in small talk

(On a trail) I love writing poetry I write on a rock for the hawk as it squawks and takes my chalk and joins his flock

(In a studio) i luv wrtig PoEtrv I paint with colors on my smock. "Looks like painting is not your string suit" says the teacher. "Yeah I get that a lot" 

(In a small boat) "I love writing p-" I throw up in the boat with lots of sickening plops. "ew do you usually get seasick" says my friend " Sometimes but I'd rather be on a party boat blaring Tupac." "Hey at least there are no crocs in this swamp." "Can we just go back to the dock" "Fine but go in the back and get a mop."

(Back at home) I love writing poetry I type finishing the prompt. I said that a lot. On the hilltops, in the gift shop even in the swamps. I wrote it too. On a rock, on my smock and for a Young Writers prompt.



Posted in response to the challenge Line.



16 years old

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