I Kid You Not

My first day as an intern for a  Radio station was the best experience of my life,
Why? read on.
It all started when I spilled iced coffee on my white shirt.
The ice fell all over the white carpet
and as my boss walked by, he slipt and fell in the ice cubes
I reached down to grab his hand, when one of the other employess decided I was a small table
and placed two hundred sheets of music and scripts on my back.
You think my troubls would have been over right?
I kinda shrieked, which scared another employee with a cake for my bosses birthday
I. Kid. You. Not
It fell on his head. 
So of course I stood up and the papers went
flying because I was next to the air conditioning. 
So the whole radio station started trying to collect the flying papers
and I helped up my poor boss who thankfully was laughing histerically 
and gave me a hug so I had blue frosting on my now coffee stained shirt.
And when I pulled away from his hug 
his toupee got stuck on my shirt!
I thought it was a spider.
I screamed my head off.
Other employees joined in the cry of 'creepy crawly where!?!'
and all the papers were thrown into the air once more
and a few people slipt in cake,
and a fish tank got knocked over, and more coffee went flying
and someone tripped over my foot and flew into a plant.
And thats when our radio station went on air.



YWP Alumni Advisor

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