How do you ride a bike?
How do you make the wheels turn?
How do you make everything fade away?
How do you let the moment
Fill you with emotion
That never leaves your heart?
How do you find the things that
Were once long lost
Relics of the past
As if the mountains had a story
Yearning to be told.
How do you fix the chain that broke apart?
Stuck in the valley,
Too far to call for help
But you made it anyways.
How do I leave behind these memories,
That only a bike could give me.
How do I learn to ride but remember the present day?
I know what you mean, about getting lost in the moment (or at least trying to) when you ride a bike. The whoosh in your hair, out in nature, with those mountain views you speak of: There's nothing like it. Opening your poem with those particular questions effectively captured my interest, and I sensed a lot of subtext beneath the surface of this piece that kept me reading. I liked when you came back around to the theme of the bike with, "How do you fix the chain that broke apart?" Ending with the bike again really tied the whole thing together.
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