
Finally, I am setting off on the path of my dream 

My black rain boots made contact with the muddy dirt 

Leave behind footprints as I strolled further away from my home 

The light breeze of the spring season passing by leaving a feel of excitement 

The birds chipped with its melody as it blended in with the rhythm of the rustling leaves producing music of natural 

The sunlight brimmed with the perfect temperature 

Its ray peaking through the cluster of trees

As I walked further and higher up the trail 

I could feel my heartbeat quicking seeing the trail marks 

5 miles 

10 miles

15 miles 

By the time I reached the 20-mile mark, the moon had taken the sun's place 

The crickets and the owls' howl had taken over the chipping of the birds 

The rustling leaves became more violent with the soft breeze turning into harsh air

Small rain droplets made contact with my face as I rushed to set up the small tent, 

becoming more violent with time. 

That’s how the first night goes by

Then a new day began with the freshness of natural 

Continuing with the hike, I could finally see the peak of my destination

Then the next moment, I was at the top of the mountain 

Taking in the spectacular view that I could only hear in stories from my grandmother next to the fountain 

“I made it Grandma!” 





18 years old

More by EveG