A Harry Potter Fan Fiction Story

June 13, 2066
The library is crowded this evening, probably because exams are tomorrow. I have my Charms examination tomorrow morning, and I need to figure out how to do a Cheering Charm properly. I frantically pull books down from the shelves, looking for something that could help me. A small black book falls out from the pages of "Charms and How Not to Abuse Them." There's a gold ribbon hanging from the middle of it. I'm mildly curious, so I put down the book I'm holding and pick up the journal. I open to the first page. It says:
"This book is the property of the Muggle-Born oddity. Do not enter. Private," in fading black ink. Muggle born oddity? What could that mean? I turn the page and read,
"Dear Diary,
Today was the first day of what could be my last year at Hogwarts. Mum and Dad are worried about me. They say I never come home for holidays. I don't have any siblngs, so they say that they're getting lonely. I don't blame them, but Hogwarts is my home. I belong here more than I belong in that stupid Muggle village. 
Life carries on as usual. Friends are few, or should I say 
two. I'm not very popular, people still think I'm a know-it-all. I don't blame them. I'm the only fourth year who has memorized Hogwarts: A History." Something twinges in the back of my brain, but it's still not clicking. 
I wish I had a sister. My only friends are boys. Ginny Weasley comes close, but I don't see enough of her. Harry teases that we could become sisters, but I ignore him." My brain finally seizes on it. Ginny Weasley. Harry... it must be Harry Potter! Only friends are boys... I flip to the beginning of the journal again and see a date:
September, 1994. I gasp. My idol! I'm holding my idol's journal! I keep reading:
Anyway, I wish..." The entry ends there, and I quickly flip to the next page. 
"Dear Diary,
I met Viktor Krum today. He's not very nice, he doesn't talk much. Best friends aren't speaking, I can only talk to one at a time." The entries continue through the author's years at Hogwarts, and then there's one blank page. At the top of the next it says:
"Dear Diary,
I cannot believe I haven't written in so long! I'm married, have two kids, and am about to turn 70 years old! Hugo and Rose are so-
 that's when I stop reading. My hands are trembling. Hugo? Rose? Hugo is my dad and Rose is my aunt! I'm my idol's granddaughter! Hermione Granger's granddaughter!



16 years old

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