The Harbinger

Once upon a time, there lived a man with crimson eyes. This man lived his lonely life in solitude, awake but unaware of the darkness that surrounded him, going about his time as all did. But this man wasn’t as ordinary as one might think, so this man was once a king. He has ruled his kingdom for many years, taking the place of his father, and his father’s father, and many generations back. He ruled with the combination of his father’s might, and his mother’s heart of gold, making him one of the most astounding rulers his kingdom has ever seen.

But his reign came to a sudden halt when the sky began to break. The kingdom he ruled was not of lands under the bright sun and whistling trees but of a fierce cave hidden deep underground, with the only light source coming from the sparkling wisps and glowing rubies that sprouted from the ground. The first sign of danger was a constant rumble that continued day by day. The second sign was when the sky started falling onto the ground, bit by bit of tumbling rubies and stones.

The last sign was when the sky finally cracked, which let in burning white beams. By this sign, the people of the kingdom had already prepared for the worst, but nothing could prepare them for the light that burned their eyes and delicate skin. The cave was turned to ruins by creatures from the surface, and the crimson eyed king, an immortal who lived his lonely life in a cave, was now forever held captive, his life energy forever being used to the creatures’ potential, forever to be the last of his kind. The Harbinger of death, the mighty raven under a curse, the king with foggy crimson eyes



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