It's nearly the day that half of the world is in love
When chocolate and flowers adorn every shelf of the store
When gifts are given and people feel wanted
It's nearly the day that half of the world is depressed
When being single feels like being alone
When you wish that someone could like you or that you could get up the courage to tell someone that you like them
It's nearly the day when I will be crying
When I will never spend more than a minute not thinking about you
When I will worry that you have found someone else
It's nearly the day when I'll hate you
When I'll come up with some reason that we should still be together
When I will yell at the wall and get no reply
It's nearly the day when I'll hate myself
When I will think that I am ugly and that's why I'm alone
When I will think that maybe you were just playing me all along
When chocolate and flowers adorn every shelf of the store
When gifts are given and people feel wanted
It's nearly the day that half of the world is depressed
When being single feels like being alone
When you wish that someone could like you or that you could get up the courage to tell someone that you like them
It's nearly the day when I will be crying
When I will never spend more than a minute not thinking about you
When I will worry that you have found someone else
It's nearly the day when I'll hate you
When I'll come up with some reason that we should still be together
When I will yell at the wall and get no reply
It's nearly the day when I'll hate myself
When I will think that I am ugly and that's why I'm alone
When I will think that maybe you were just playing me all along
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