
I've been loosing hairties and I've been loosing rights
And it doesn't effect you so you never put up fights
I cannot get a car and I can't get an abortion
And healthcare won't cover my cramps, not even a portion
The nuva ring is fifty bucks or 1000 for a year
But I don't live near pharmacies, they don't deliver here
The cost of birth control is high, with or without stigma
 And you want me to stay in school so this is an enigma
I'm watching girls scrounge for pads in bins stuffed under trash
They'd have to light the whole thing up if they find our cache
I'm marching down the school halls in tank tops and in shorts
I'm promiscuous and flirting not with my eyes but with my skorts
I'm a girl when I know nothing and a woman when I swear
So as my uterus is knotting, so too is my hair




19 years old

More by ZoeBee

  • 1893

    It was just a fluke that I happened to see

    The ghost of a girl in 1893

    I didn't think much of her, tried to ignore

    But then she came 'round in 1894

    A spirit was not something that I had wanted

  • Papercuts

    Did you know that, when you wrote me, I was made of papercuts

    That I was ink and glue and wax but mostly, I was papercuts

    Did you know that, when you read me, I am made of memories