Grateful: L'dor Vador

I guess I'm kind of a religous person
I do, you know, go to temple 
I do sing the songs in hebrew or english
I do eat bagels and lox like a good Jew should.
Those songs-they make me bleive
When we're all togehter singing together in our carpet pews
I feel something-and I am grateful.

When I here those anicent words, I think of my great-great-great-great-great-great granmother
And she was great indeed, for though I do not know her name
And though the records were lost the old country,
I know how she felt singing those songs of praise.
My ancestors were not religous people  but surely-
Surely they sang in their own ways.
I know how she looked back even further to other eras
To the Temple of Solomon.
To glory and gilded robes and soaring walls and songs and psalms echoing from every corner.
I know she was grateful-
For her surivval, for our people's survival, for every branching train of thught and action that led far, far into the future
To her, the wise old woman from the Pale.
To her.
To me.



YWP Alumni

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