A bird chirps
Along with morning's song,
Humming along
With warm beams of light,
Letting out calls
Merging with yawns
As arms stretch
Along with uncurling wings,
Reaching for a morning hug,
Enveloped in the bright embrace
Of of the sun,
Tweeting each blink
That brings a fresh start
To each outstretched palm
Grasping for a mug
Of hot milk
With maple wafting
From between each sip
Brought with each flap,
Each flutter of wings
Flitting with stories
Traced on leaf veins,
And flooded into hearts,
Soaking into souls,
Adding plates of gold
To every bit
Of Autumn hope
That twirls
With the morning's breeze
That blows happiness
Into our smiles,
As a bird chirps
Out its greeting to fall.
Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Autumn '24: Writing. See Award Winners and All Submissions.
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