The sun dips behind the mountains,
Only some of the light shines,
A peachy aura emerging.
The whispy clouds hover gracefully,
Letting themselves drift with the wind,
The peace settling into the mist,
Refracting the glow,
Making them appear soft pink,
Soothing nerves,
Focusing frantic, darting eyes,
Making people's minds relax.
The sky homes streaks,
Thin lines of rose, gold,
Yellow and orange.
It looks as if someone took a brush,
Splashing color across the sky,
In a way to produce even more beaury,
In a way to center people.
The sun dips behind the mountains,
Creating a glowing aura
Of relaxation.
A Glowing Aura of Relaxation
More by maelynslavik
A Palmful of Metaphors
I’d like a palmful of metaphors,
Ones to use every time
I put a pen to a page,
To plant in my heart
And become submerged in my hope,
The Beating Heart of the Universe
I would like to hope
That before there was a sky
Bleeding stars,
Before there were planets
Polluted with creation,
That there was still the beating heart
Droplets Forever Alive
I’d like to garden
My own heart,
To pull the weeds of sadness
And hate
From the foundation
I sprout from,
To plant seeds of hope
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