The glass is half empty, but it's also half full

It's sunny outside! 
listen to the birds chirp!
Yay! It's more than 60 degrees!

The bugs are out,
and there is still a wind-chill.

When we're in lockdown, 
I can try so many new things!

Lockdown life
is so 

I talk to my friends,
through a screen,
but who cares? 
I can still see their smiles!

They say it's the same,
but it's really not.
Pixelated faces are different
than real ones.

Life would be boring 
if there weren't unexpected turns,
don't you agree?

Life IS boring,
even with those 
unpredicted twists.

Oh would you look at that?
They've got something really cool! 
I'm so happy for them.

look at them
They've got another gadget
I could never afford.

Cheer up a little!
Live life to it's fullest! 

Cheer DOWN a little,
I'm living life the way I want to,
don't try to change me.

I'm fine with the way you are,
just smile for me?


You happy?
Who am I kidding, you always are.

Thank you! 
That smile was beautiful!

Y-You think so?


Then maybe I should smile more,
live life fuller.
Here's an air hug!



16 years old

More by EpicElle