My sneakers hit the pavement,
The constant sound of the thwapping filling the nipping,
Early spring air.
My breath comes slow but heavy,
Before being like a soft summer breeze,
Now like a strong wind,
Fit for a fast sail on the lake.
My leg muscles burn,
Going from small sparks of pain,
To a strong flame,
Not even flickering.
A small pinch becomes of my side,
Making it feel compressed,
Tight with a cramp.
My mind fills with protests,
Reasons why I should stop.
They’re like large highway signs,
Directing me in a certain way.
I do my best to look the other way,
To continue moving forward,
To keep resisting the pair,
To keep my eyes on the finish line.
I focus on my breaths,
Listening to the air,
Singling in on slowing it down.
I feel myself going forwards,
Remembering that I am succeeding,
That I am getting where I want to go.
My sneakers hit the pavement,
Running forward,
Getting closer to my goal.
The constant sound of the thwapping filling the nipping,
Early spring air.
My breath comes slow but heavy,
Before being like a soft summer breeze,
Now like a strong wind,
Fit for a fast sail on the lake.
My leg muscles burn,
Going from small sparks of pain,
To a strong flame,
Not even flickering.
A small pinch becomes of my side,
Making it feel compressed,
Tight with a cramp.
My mind fills with protests,
Reasons why I should stop.
They’re like large highway signs,
Directing me in a certain way.
I do my best to look the other way,
To continue moving forward,
To keep resisting the pair,
To keep my eyes on the finish line.
I focus on my breaths,
Listening to the air,
Singling in on slowing it down.
I feel myself going forwards,
Remembering that I am succeeding,
That I am getting where I want to go.
My sneakers hit the pavement,
Running forward,
Getting closer to my goal.
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