Friendship Across the World

Friendship Across the World

The first day I got my letter was cold.  It wasn’t a typical cold winter’s day. It was more wet than cold.  Raw. I assumed when I saw the letter that it was a mistaken address. It was the only mail on Saturday, a manilla  envelope sealed tight with a stamp from last year’s Christmas holiday. It had Santa on it.

I stared at it, holding it in my hands. Quickly, I shoved it under my arm and sped back to my house.  I didn't dare open the letter outside for fear of getting it wet and exposing my fingers to the cold. Nevertheless, when I stepped into my warm house, I sighed with relief and let the warmth of the house wash over me.

As the last chill of the cold left my body while shedding my many layers, my dad appeared behind me , “Any mail?”  I heard in his gruff voice. “No.” I said, lying through my teeth. Surprisingly he believed me even though there was a considerable bump where the envelope sat in my sweatshirt pocket.  I made my escape up the stairs to my attic bedroom. Being an only child has its perks: spoiled childhood, my own room, unconditional love, no sharing, and privacy. The whole deal.

Once in my room, I placed the envelope on my desk. I remember thinking, “it shines with mystery.” I  could barely sit down before my hands began ripping the seal and my eyes started devouring the words;
Dear random person,

    I hope you find this letter as interesting to read as it was for me to write. My name is Akasha and I’m doing what I call the “Friend Across the World Experiment.”In short  I’d like you to be my friend, all the way across the country. (I know it says world but my parents wont let me send mail to a different country.)

    Dropping formality, phase two of my project is to ask you a series of questions to get to know you.  To proceed, how old are you? What do you like to do? And do you have any siblings? Of course you’re not required to answer these, but doing so would be great! As an added bonus I have included my return address to answer any questions you have for me.   I quickly glanced at the back of the envelope for confirmation.   It was there.

    Looking forward to hearing back.



    I set the piece of paper down, absentmindedly folding the corner.  I was excited, a friend from across the country? What wasn't cool about that!  Of course I wanted to write back. I just didn't know what to say. Should I play it cool kid, gushy, or something else? I swirled those thoughts in my head while digging my computer out of my desk drawer.  Opening a fresh window, I started writing up my summary….
After an hour I  have a million saved files of my unworthy letters. Come on! Think !  I forced my mind to be still and started my letter,
Dear Akasha,
    Hello, I’m Tory and I'm ready to be your friend from all the way across the world…well from across the country anyway.  I’m an only child, and having become fully engrossed with your letter, realize that I may be lonely. I hope that we can become closer friends, but at the very least, know that your project is making a difference in someone else’s life.  Thank you for that.


I closed my computer screen, letting my fingers slide of the top of the closed lid .  I heard the puttering of my father down stairs and went to see him. “Dad, do you think Reese is home down the street?  It has been a while since we have spent time together and I’d really like to see her.” My dad smiled.


Thetford Academy


YWP Instructor

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