Follow your dreams

Everyone has a dream for them

Not all get there 

But if you try hard 

You have a higher chance 

If you dont try you wont get anywhere

don't let your friends dictate 

What you want to do 

You just try hard every day 

Never give up on your dream

Don't believe any negativity 

People say about your dream

You can go and do whatever you wanna do

If you have the mindset and attitude 

To go out there and give it 110 percent

Every single day 

No excuses   



14 years old

More by Hatch

  • Creative writing club

    I got requested for creative writing club

    So I decided to try it 

    We get food and get to write 

    Whatever we feel like 

    I wasn't sure about going at first 

    But now I'm not sure why I wasn't sure

  • Cruel people

    People are so cruel

    How could you live like that 

    They scream and curse 

    How could you live like that. 

    They think the only person 

    That matters are themselves

  • Science

    I have to go to school and talk about my life outside of school. I've just woken up how cruel of them to do this. I get to wellness and i am staring  at the clock. While eeveryone thinks im wating for my next class i am thinking of science.