The Five Legendary Hero's


“Grandpa tell me another story,” I ask as I jump up and down in my bed.

“Haha, ok ok,” He said. “Once upon a time there was a group of adventurers,” my grandfather started.

“What were their names grandpa” I say, interrupting his story

“Well there were five of them, Haruto the scouter, Akira the brains, Atsuko the doctor, Takemikazuchi the swordsman, and Nagid the leader. They were known as the Five Guardians. They cleansed the evil from this world and brought peace to the world,”

“But then why do we live in fear of the demons?”

 “Well, the demon king, Abaddon arose from his purgatory and then he stabbed his sword into the ground causing the evil to spread across the world. He created what we now know as Molgiath,” My grandfather said

“Ok dad, we have all heard the story of the five legendary heroes dad,” my father said as he walked in.

“But he's not finished his story dad,” I whined as he kissed my forehead.

“Goodnight Mel,” my father and grandfather said to me as they left the room.


    “Hey mel so where are we going next?,” Maia asked 

    “To Molgiath,” I say confidently. “To slay Abaddon.”

Morgan D


18 years old

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