I lie down on the ground, looking up towards the eternal, the endless.
My arm covers my eye, obscuring the natural beauty of man’s creations,
allowing me to see the wonders
of the strange and unknown wilds.
The sky is clear, save a few streaks of thin, wispy clouds.
The trees are reds and golds, and the song of something
blue, and purple,
plays through my head.
I look through the lens of life,
through the spyglass that is my old friend time.
And I smile, though bitter, at the wonders of this sphere we call home.
I smile for what I have lost.
I smile for what I have gained.
I smile for the ones I loved.
And I smile for those I have yet to love.
I smile for those who have never seen a sunrise,
Nor a flock of geese taking off
Over the tree-covered mountains.
I smile for life.
I turn over onto my back, and the shimmering sun greets my face.
I feel the tail I never had being squished beneath me.
I feel the warmth of a kind and gently glow.
Brightening a cold and dreary darkness.
The leaves fall around me, and I think of all I have lost.
The wind brushes my face, and I hope for things to come.
I get up, and grab my book, the teacher calling us in.
I look behind, at the natural man, and shake my head.
"All things fade in time," I tell myself.
I shed a tear for what I have lost,
and wipe it away, in the hopes of yet to come.
All things fade, in time.
Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Autumn '24: Writing. See Award Winners and All Submissions.
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