Feather fallout

In the morning I watch the mountains fade into the cream of the sunrise and count the seconds before the fog lifts. Suddenly, as if by accident, my eyes reflect in the curve of the earth as it tilts, slightly off balance, teetering on the edge of elegance, or destruction, or that feeling I get right before I open my mouth. 

I spilled coffee over the concrete floor at work and stood there, brown stars on the pale cuff of my shorts and so much hope I didn't know whether to get a mop or a match. I wanted to take my shoes off, to splash through the puddle as if it were rain. 

When we are young we are determined to grow up singular: one goal, one plan, one happiness, one lift-off, one chance at an impact. Today, I am multiplying. I roll down the car windows in a thunderstorm, I draw constellations on my clothes, I carve wings into a door in the public restroom, I tell myself that dusk marks the start of the night of the rest of my life.

There are only so many times you can convince yourself that you are happy before you steal down the stairs in the damp wake of the moon to light a candle in the driveway. Maybe I'm afraid I won't be who I imagine. Maybe I'm a little in love with the idea of losing everything. Maybe freedom is nothing more than the feeling we assign to acting upon dreams we believed would burn out.

Love to write


YWP Alumni Advisor

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