Fame Can Mean Something Else

        It’s wonderful to dream about being famous, because we think it will be sunshine and rainbows, but it’s really not. You always have people judging you on everything you do, even as little as something you ate. There are always people knowing where you are and following you around. Nowadays, people have an image in their head about how people need to be. People think they need to be skinny, muscular, tall, short, and even have a specific hair color, when that is not how everyone looks. People want you to look a certain way, and if you don’t meet their standards, you will have many people leaving hate comments and sadly people even leave death threats. You will always have people who want to know everything about your personal life and what you do on a daily basis. It really does affect people mentally. Yes it’s nice to have a job in social media, but it’s not as easy as people think. 



18 years old

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