Fall and the fall to new days

Fall. The end. What is it for you? It wasn't much for me before. It was just when it started to get cold. The pre-winter. Nothing more than that. No orange leaves. It didn't even snow. What was so special about the pre-winter? Just that it was a few degrees colder? I didn't care. Thanksgiving? Forgettable in the eyes of quite a few children. Then I moved. Away from home. I left everything behind, at the beginning of fall. All of my memories left behind. It felt like all I had was gone. It wasn't. Most everything of what I did followed me. It didn't matter what happened, I was still me. Even if everything around me wasn't home.  Now what's Fall to me? It's quite beautiful. The leaves turn nice colors, the white snow starts to fall, leaving life looking like a beautiful canvas across the brown background of the trees. No longer the pre-winter, but the Fall. The Fall down into the beginning of the new year, the new seasons, the new days. The Fall, beautiful, orange, and white. It's not like that for everyone. What is it to you?

Posted in response to the challenge Fall: Writing.



15 years old