Facets of the Cosmos

I remember
When the constellations twinkled
Hidden lines drawn between the brightest and the lightest
Like a tunnel, whispering unspoken truths
Joy hidden between flickering candles of the night

Each yearning and suffering
Yet knowingly in harmony

When the earth turns its back on the sun
To gaze at bright white lanterns amidst darkness
We are offered a sense of comfort in the constellations
If we have the strength to summon it

Infinite facets of the cosmos
How different are they after all?

Ceasing to keep secrets from one another

Meanwhile we bury our honesties and hide
To claim some foreign sense of belonging
Or is it because we only keep them from ourselves?



15 years old

More by elise.writer

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  • butterflies

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    because i'm supposed to

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  • lotus

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