Off to Explore the World

I am a cat. Now I know that cats are great and all, but sometimes it's just very boring. Yes, I get to eat all the canned tuna fish I want, and yes my owners love me and pet me all the time.  It’s very serene here in my house and that's great, but sometimes I wish for a little excitement, a little trouble. I wish I could get out of the house, embark on new adventures, and see the world. I would love to go to the ocean and try and catch my own tuna fish, fresh from the sea! Maybe I could go and roam around the jungle, make some new friends. Fatten up a little, be a fierce cat. I just wish I could escape. Now I know I'm just a puny little cat but maybe the outdoors could toughen me up, make me stronger. Here is the real question: is it scary out there? I feel as though I'm willing to take that risk, put myself out there. There is still a small worry in the back of my head, that I might not make it. What if it doesn't workout the way I hope? What if I don't survive on my own? So I'll just have to cross my fingers, hope for the best, and try my hardest. I can do this! One problem though, I am currently still stuck in this house. I must find a way to escape. My plan is that when my owners leave, wherever it is that they go for 5 days in a row, ( then for some reason take 2 days off ) when they are gone, I will climb out the window that they always leave open for me, and gone I will be, all on my own. Off to explore the world!

Summit House-WCS


YWP Instructor