Everything I do is a disappointment.

Everything I do is a disappointment.
I can't seem to do anything right,
Everything I say is an annoyance.
I can't go outside,
I don't have new books,
What to do?
I can hear the big sighs okay?!
But I can see my friends out there!
I don't like what I hear and lately,
I can hear everything.
Happy Mother's Day!
Going to bed at Midnight,
Beating up myself.
On the verge of tears,
That's me.
I swear I try to stay out of the way!

I can't go anywhere!
I can't do anything!
I can't see my friends,
Except through a screen.
I think I'm taking this the hardest,
In my family.

I don't mean to be so hopeless,
I don't mean to down,
But I write what I think,
And I can't get COVID out of my head.



16 years old

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