Every Little Girl

To every little girl out there 

With big dreams 

And bright eyes 

I hope that by the time 

You reach middle school 

Our world will be different 

I hope that no words will leave a scratch on your heart 

And no one will dent your dreams 

I hope the people will be okay 

With a girl with big dreams and ideas 

And you can run for president 

I hope you can walk home after dark 

Without clutching your keys and pepper spray 

I hope that you can cry, and someone will hold you 

Without calling you dramatic 

I hope that you will be able to do what you want 

 And be sure of yourself 

Without people pelting you with insults 

To every little girl 

With big dreams 

And bright eyes 

You are strong 

You are fierce 

You are independent 

You are brave 

You deserve everything 

Posted in response to the challenge Election '24.



12 years old

More by Gali

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    And yet bearing


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  • The moon

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    All the way up there

    Floating among

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    Simply being

    Bathing me in a ghoulish glow

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