
  • Cow's Thoughts

    Here come the annoying humans. Has it really been a whole day already? I think they are lying. I am trying to enjoy the sun and fresh air. Why do they have to come along and ruin everything?
  • Trapped

    The one thing Mia wished she could do was go outside. However, she couldn't because she is trapped inside the tallest tower. Ok, maybe she wasn't trapped in a tower but it felt like it most of the time.
  • My Hunting Life

    For a large portion of my life, I have been a hunter, and I see that as something that defines me. When I was a young boy, around six or seven years old, my dad would take me hunting.
  • A Special Story

    Maddie was sitting in her social studies class, her teacher Mrs. Smith was talking to the class. She was known for just babbling on about her personal life and talking way too much then she should.
  • Un-Equal Treatment

    Just because I am a female does not mean I cant do things the society considers "a mans thing." I have been told by many that because I am a female I should stay home and clean and do school.
  • Japanese Maple

    The tree I chose is a japanese maple. The japanese maple is a vibrant red in the spring and summer. The tree itself is green or brown. Mine is green, They can be from 2 to 30 feet tall. Japanese maple at full age like sunlight.
  • The consumerism cycle

    The feeling of new is sickeningly addictive. From a young age, we quickly discover that new stuff makes us "happy." New toys or foods or places or clothes, bring us so much excitement and temporary joy, that for a moment we forget all other worries.