The Egg and The Orange (How Do You Like Me Now?)

The Egg said to the Orange
"I love you."
The Orange responded
"I wish I could to but you are so fat around the bottom. I wish you could fix that."
The Egg's smile drooped,
"Lets see."
The Egg traveled to the nearby villages and far away citys, searching for the one who could get rid of the problem. 
Finally, the Egg found someone, a Squash called Dr. Red.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Dr. Red asked, concern written all over,
"Of course!" said the Egg, "This is what I truly want." 
"Good." said Dr. Red, "Because what I am about to do is almost irreversible."
The Egg just waved Dr. Red on.
The Egg traveled back to the Orange, very please and happy.
"How do you like me now?" the Egg asked,
"I am so pleased!' said the Orange, "But now you are all cracked and you look like your shell will fall off at any second." 
"Oh." sighed the Egg, all the happiness flowing away.
"But maybe you can get it fixed!" said the Orange,
The Egg smiled again, "Lets see!"
Traveling far and wide, the Egg searched for someone who could get rid of the problem.
Finally, the Egg found someone. A Tomato called Prof. Cake.
"Of course I can cover up your cracks!" Prof. Cake said, "But it's nearly impossible to change. Do you really want this?"
"Of course I want this!' Exclaimed the Egg,
The Egg found the Orange and said excitedly, "How do you like me now?"
"Much better!" exclaimed the Orange, "But now you are all bumpy. I would simply love it if you could fix that."
The Egg just nodded and said, "Let's see."
This time, the Egg found a Cat, quite close to home who could fix the problem.
"Of course I can smooth you out! But this is what you want right? You'd be a nutter if you thought you could change this."
"Yes, of course! I want this!" the Egg exclaimed, 
The Egg walked back to the Orange, all smoothed out, "How do you like me now?" Egg asked, ready for a well-deserved compliment.
"I love it!' said the Orange hugging the Egg,
"But if I'm marrying you, you should have a lower voice. I'm not marrying a mouse am I?" 
Blushing from the hug, and significantly cheered by the prospect of marrige, the Egg replied, "No, I suppose you aren't."
The Egg found a donor and just before the surgery, a pie called Nurse Doughnut stopped the Egg and asked, "You really want a new voice? Because you can't take this decision back."
"Yes, yes I want it." the Egg said, waving the Nurse away.
The Egg returned to the Orange all unnaturally smooth, and ugly white color, far to thin to be recomended, gravely voiced and asked, "How do you like me now dearest?"
The Orange looked the Egg up and down and said, "You may be perfect, but why'd you have to change everything? I liked you better before."
The Egg just smiled sadly and said, "Me too." the Orange replied,
"Well I can't marry you now. I would love it if you could change!' the Orange smiled the most tantilizing smile, but the Egg just frowned and said,
"I can't." and walked away.  



16 years old

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