Earnest’s Apprentice Chapter Two

Lily stood stock still in the parlor. Today was choosing day so all the Head Workers were there, studying the wards.

“Time!” Miss Rose said. “Begin the Choosing!”

Alvin stepped forward, being the eldest.

“Your name, son?” Sir Chance asked, admiring the boy’s muscles and size.

“Alvin Delarue of Oswal, born of Elizabeth Booker Delarue and Sir Henry Delarue.”

“Worthy heritage,” Chance said. “I know your father, son. He’s an honorable man.”

“Thank you Sir,” Alvin replied, head bent. “I’m glad you think so.”

“Well, Jessica,” Chance said to Miss Rose. I’ll take the boy. He’ll make a good knight someday.”

Miss Rose beamed. “That he will,” she babbled. “That he will.”

Victoria got diplomat, William got archer, and Tillie got dressmaker. Then it was Lily’s turn.

“Hmm, too scrawny,” Mr Smith, the cook, said. “She'll never do.”

They all gave their complaints until only Earnest was left. It was very rare that girls got to be Wardens but it still happened sometimes. She hoped beyond hope that he would choose her.

“I’ll take her,” Earnest said. “Doubt she’ll pass the first year test, but I’ll take her.”

Lily’s heart leaped. She’d been chosen as Earnest’s apprentice! As an apprentice Warden! But then she realized what he’d said and her heart sank. Because if she didn’t pass her first year test, she’d have to give up being an apprentice.



13 years old

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