open your eyes
I'm here in the room with you
we're hanging out
no masks no six feet apart
just laughing
like we did before
you're talking about flowers
I'm listening you have the twinkle in your eye
than isn't the same
through the phone
I can't believe we're really here
no phone no screen
just me any you
siting in my bed room talking
your so real i think
if I reach out and touch your hand
I'll feel warm living flesh
then I open my eyes
and its me
in my room
no one else
open your eyes
open your eyes...
I'm here in the room with you
we're hanging out
no masks no six feet apart
just laughing
like we did before
you're talking about flowers
I'm listening you have the twinkle in your eye
than isn't the same
through the phone
I can't believe we're really here
no phone no screen
just me any you
siting in my bed room talking
your so real i think
if I reach out and touch your hand
I'll feel warm living flesh
then I open my eyes
and its me
in my room
no one else
open your eyes
open your eyes...
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