Do You Like The Dark?

The dark is a discomforting place.
It's filled with mystery
and you can feel it clasp around you,
clinging to your clothes,
your hair,
your tongue,
and you breathe it in,
let it infect your lungs,
and let it go.
Do you ever wonder
where it came from?
What is it?
What's its purpose?
There are things,
good things,
tucked within it
like children under blankets,
poking their faces from its folds,
letting it envelop them,
but they're shivering.
It's like an endless cave
and we don't know why it's there,
it just is.
That's what it is.
It's just it.
That's the fear of it.
Do you ever just sit down
and admire darkness?
Is it terrifying or beautiful?
Does it ever shine?
Do you see little faces
and memories dancing
in its careful waves?
Does the blackness hurt?
If you remember it well,
it shouldn't.



YWP Alumni

More by Rovva

  • Eleven Years

    For eleven years, I've been a part of the YWP community. I started when I was 11 years old and I went by my old name back then. I used to publish my work here all the time, but much of my publishing has now moved to my university.

  • A Nine-Year Journey

    For nine years, I've been a part of YWP and for nine years, I've felt seen by this community. Even as I've grown up, I've watched new young writers come and share their thoughts, emotions, and stories.
  • Beaming writer

    In sixth grade, our class had a show-and-tell every week,
    and every week, a small handful of students were selected to participate in the next one.
    As I was selected, anxiety kicked in.
    I wasn't really proud of anything.