Her gaze lingered, just a second too long, and suddenly the lighting changed. I reflected back down onto the fabric I'd covered myself in, now horrified as I looked quickly away in dismay. I folded my arms over my chest, but the laser-beam eyes of every other teenager and teacher still burned right through me. The aura of the room grasped me with pity, judgment, and shame, as I was left seeing the world in slow motion. I was now overwhelmingly aware of the fact that I was alone and lonely, in a crowd full of strangers. Everything was wrong. I'd worn the wrong clothes, makeup, expression, persona. My throat constricted as even the air wished to be distanced from me. I set myself to manual breathing, thinking in, out, in, out, till all too late I realized I'd forgotten how to breathe naturally. I felt my temperature rising, and tears threatening for no reason. I had no reason to be crying, other than the fact that I was too weak to function normally. My heart pounded and I knew the whole world could hear me crumbling, yet none of them would understand. I should've stayed home.
On Display
More by madeleinec0
solitary promenade
Riches of generosity
Grew stale in the wraith of spite
Iron bars now chafe my scalp
Unchain me from dependency
Warm and humid gold evenings
Spun to char in the breeze
Your bitterness clenching my fist -
to be insoluble
I went to the lake alone
Hypnotizing winds of turns
Led me here
Bony feet screaming now
In premature raw waters
I wanted space but maybe less of it
Maybe less of it from myself
The world here is all double-sided -
Sunlight and Raindrops
Golden sweet cookies
And soft white bread
We smiled and skipped when the sun came
Drenched ourselves laughing in the rain
With rainboots as our small rubber boats
Tromping through pools and mysterious moats
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