Did I Know?

Did I know?

When I started to run on that track, hair whipping though my face,

Did I know?

That someday I would have a reputation for first place?

Did I know?

When I looked down,

At my feet on the ground,

Did I know?

That I would change my coach’s reputation of me to a disgrace?

When I fell on my face,

in the middle of the race.

Did I know?

When I was sitting it that tent, getting all fixed up,

Being forced to drink water out of a paper cup,

Did I know? 

That at the next race,

I would only get second place. 

Did I know?

Walking out of tech rehearsal to the meet,

That my goal of winning would within the next two hours be complete.

Did I know?



Did I know,

So many years ago,

When I sat on that plane at the age of two,

Looking at the sky, that was so blue,

Did I know that someday,

On a random Sunday,

That I would find out,

That I was the fastest girl,

Not just in. My grade,

But in my county.

Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Spring '24: Writing Contest.



13 years old

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