
Please for the love of god won't you stay
I'll plaster my face with concealer
Coat my bitterly true words with lies like honey
I'll take every jagged edge of me and carve them into smooth puzzle pieces
That lock perfectly into yours
Even if it means shearing off my gasping guffaws and simmering them down into gentle giggles
Classical music makes the space inbetween my eyes itch but I will burn every cd of Wicked I own (6) if you will just stay
You say books and reading are dull and a man's sport
So the only one that will inspire me is Fahrenheit 451
I will shape and polish like a raw wild gem into a wedding ring
If only you will stay



19 years old

More by ZoeBee

  • 1893

    It was just a fluke that I happened to see

    The ghost of a girl in 1893

    I didn't think much of her, tried to ignore

    But then she came 'round in 1894

    A spirit was not something that I had wanted

  • Papercuts

    Did you know that, when you wrote me, I was made of papercuts

    That I was ink and glue and wax but mostly, I was papercuts

    Did you know that, when you read me, I am made of memories