Dear teenage girl

Dear teenage girl,
We are supposed to hate each other
"Teenage girls are the worst things on earth" 
Say mothers the day before eighth grade
Hallmark and Disney channel and short films about anorexia that we binge tell us that every day
We should despise each other
There can only be one golden girl, one cool girl, one star student, one cheerleader
It's such a contrast for what we have strived to be for the first bit of our lives
Likeable, servient, gentle, cooperative
Now they set us up so only one can win
Teamwork is snatched from our lips and holding hands are pried apart
We are told every day that we are on the verge of change
And soon we will get to be trophy wives and pta mothers and pediatric nurses
But there are only so many rich old men and pta spots available
They pit us against each other because we are strong
There is one thing more dangerous than a group of teenage girls fighting
It's a group of teenage girls fighting together
The stick us in cages, starving
And give us one bone to fight over so we're too distracted to eat them
Dear teenage girl
I am supposed to hate you
And you are supposed to hate me so when we catch eyes and I grimace
And you glare
Know that I am sorry
I love you, teenage girl
I care for you more than you may ever know
For we are all the same, teenage girl
I am just like other girls and other girls are just like me
I am so sorry
I never wanted to glare or grimace or weigh your day down 
I want to fly with you
I want to light matches with you and burn establishments with you and giggle with you 
I want to be friends with you
Dear teenage girl 
I'm sorry
Next time I will smile



19 years old

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