Dear Music

If you were a person

you'd have skin the color of the galaxy; ever-changing

hues of purple, blue, pink, salmon gold

your eyes would hold the world

any question answered the second someone looked into them;

42 would not suffice

your hair fading into oblivion

years of headbanging catching up to you

your fingers callused from playing every instrument for millenia

& yet your touch warm, inviting

you'd know how to give the best hugs

                                      the best motivation

                                      the best advice

i remember 357 days ago

what you gave me as i stared at the night sky dotted with stars

for the first time in two months i cried

i could finally feel something

i remember 7 months ago

what you have me as tears sprinted down my cheek 

not from sadness or loss, but from pride and joy

my streak had progressed over a month

it's the little victories that mean the most

i remember this morning

what you gave me

what you always give me

a reason to keep going

because if i quit

i'd never get to meet you again in any form.

sometimes i think of myself as a weaver

creating something from nothing

allowing my fingers to dance over the keys

                                                      the strings

                                                      the drum pad

& in my personal haven

i breathe air with a clarity others only dream about

my eyes open; i see the universe you've laid out for me

                        i see the universe you've laid out for everyone

& yet it feels like it was made for me

the colors behind my eyelids;

fingertips straning to touch, manipulate

you control me &

i am a puppet by your strings

to learn to fly is the hardest thing i've done

but you brought me each feather

& i'll keep them under my shoulder blades forever

too much &

never enough

for me




16 years old

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