Dear me
You are more awesome than them
You don't have to be pulled down by anything
You are the awesomest.
Dear me
You are like sprinkles
And just for that, you deserve sprinkles.
Dear me
It's okay to care
But you don't have to
Dear me
You are beautiful
Don't change.
Dear me
You have something unique to give this world
This suffering world
So bring it.
Dear me
Laugh until you cry
And cry until you have no tears left
And be happy.
Dear me
You are more than enough
Dear me
You rule
Dear me
Go live your life
Do right
Make mistakes
And be
You are more awesome than them
You don't have to be pulled down by anything
You are the awesomest.
Dear me
You are like sprinkles
And just for that, you deserve sprinkles.
Dear me
It's okay to care
But you don't have to
Dear me
You are beautiful
Don't change.
Dear me
You have something unique to give this world
This suffering world
So bring it.
Dear me
Laugh until you cry
And cry until you have no tears left
And be happy.
Dear me
You are more than enough
Dear me
You rule
Dear me
Go live your life
Do right
Make mistakes
And be
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