Danger: A Story of World War II


Cabot Spatz

Chapter 1

I become a Nazi
Berlin, Germany

 Fall 1942

As I entered the room for my initiation ceremony, everyone in the room looked at me. I thought that they knew something I didn’t know. I asked somebody what was going on and they told me to look at the board. I went over to the board to see what rank I got and I was listed as the Schutzstaffel Oberst-Gruppenführer (2nd in Command). I was amazed. Next I thought “Now I can finally do something about Jewish people.” Heinrich Himmler gave me my Ceremonial dagger and my uniform, and we shook hands. I said, “I am honoured to serve at your side.” After, I went home and put on my freshly pressed uniform and went out for patrol duty. Then I unsheathed the dagger.  It felt full of responsibility.

Chapter 2

I arrest a Jewish family
Berlin Germany

Fall 1942

I made my first arrest 15 minutes into my first patrol. My first arrest was a Jewish family and this is how it happened. A Hitler Youth member took me to his house and on the way he told me that his family was hiding a jewish family. Also he told me that his father was ranked as a Sturmmann (Storm Trooper) in the Schutzstaffel .  I went inside the house and told the kid to get more Schutzstaffel officers here to arrest his family. Finally I found the Jewish family, and I told them to “Come with me.” They obeyed and I took them to a cattle car that would take them to Auschwitz-Ⅱ in Poland. 

On the way to the Interrogation Center the parents were reassuring the kids. They were telling the kids “Everything is going to be ok.” Then they whispered to the kids “We will try to get you out of here.” They thought that I couldn't hear them, but I did.  

Suddenly I realised that these parents are risking their lives to save their kids and that my parents would do the same thing for me. This family and mine are not very different and that everything my parents taught me was wrong. I pulled over near a hedge and told them: “Run and hide in the hedge quickly so you won't be seen!”  

I tried to find out how to communicate with the Allies without Hitler finding out. Then I discovered an ally spy. I asked him how to communicate with the Allies. He told me how to communicate with them and he told me a secret code in case the phone was bugged. Finally, I sent the Allies a message telling them I wanted to be a spy for them. The Allies told me that I could be a spy and I got my first mission.  It was to abduct the Schutzstaffel Reichsführer (1st in command) and to become the Schutzstaffel Reichsführer. 

Chapter 3

I abduct my leader
Berlin Germany

Fall 1942

After I got my mission to abduct my leader, I started to plan the abduction. I spent four months figuring out the plan and observing my leader closely. I finally figured out how to abduct him. I went to the pub he goes to once a week and hid near the back door to the pub. When he went to go into the pub, I grabbed him and bound his hands together and told him to “Stay silent or you will be brought in cold.” And then took him to my house and locked him in the basement. I let the Allies know the package was ready for pickup, and that stage one of the mission was complete. I work alone to prove myself to the Allies. 

Chapter 4

I lie to Hitler 

Berlin Germany

Spring 1943

A few days later, Hitler started to send out troops looking for my leader. To cover my tracks, I told Hitler that my leader was sick and gave him a note from him that said:

I give my permission to Hans Schdmit to take my place as temporary leader of the Schutzstaffel.

Hitler was amazed. A few weeks later, I gave Hitler a false doctor report that said that my leader died from the sickness.  As a result of his death, I got promoted to Schutzstaffel Reichsführer. I got promoted because I turned in the Ally spy that helped me as a prisoner of war.  Next I tell the Allies that the mission is complete. Then I abduct more powerful Nazis. 

Chapter 5

I ‘accidentally’ expose my true loyalty
Berlin Germany-London England

Summer 1943

Now it is my time to leave Germany and head to London, England. This will be interesting to see Hitler’s reaction to me being an Ally spy and being the one behind the mysterious disappearances. Now time to get going with this plan.  I sent a message to the Allies telling them to send a troop to get me out of Berlin and to take me to London tomorrow. I send Hitler a message requesting to meet him tomorrow, he agrees.

 The next day… I head out to meet Hitler. When I got there I asked his bodyguards to leave and told them “I am able to Protect him better than any of you.” Then they left. Next I asked him how the war was going. He said “Good, but a lot of Nazis are disappearing mysteriously. Do you know anything about these disappearances?” 

I said “Umm maybe? Ha, actually I was the one behind the mysterious disappearances. Take that Hitler!!  I am leaving Germany today and never coming back. Now go eat a sock!” Next the air raid sirens went off. Finally I said to Hitler, “Well this is my cue to leave.”

 I ran out the door to a nearby field and an Ally Bomber spotted me and threw down a ladder. I climbed into the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress. I went up front to the cockpit and flew the plane for one lap around Berlin dropping bombs onto Hitler’s office. I flew the plane to London. When I arrived in London, I met up with my boss and told him the weak spots of the Nazis. Next, we started to plan the attack.



15 years old

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