Country Wind

It's a boring car trip, just listening to Ariana Grande and occasionally singing along to it. The three of us sit there, six eyes. A pair on the road, a pair glued to their phone and one pair in their own world. As I start to recognize the surroundings, I happily roll down my window. (Of course, first I have to take my hair out of its usual ponytail and let it flow dramatically in the wind.) My cousin puts down her phone and rolls her window down as well. 
There is a hint of the salt water marsh in the wind. I let out a little squeal. Before we know it, we are both laughing hysterically with our mouths wide open. It was the wind. It made us insane. My uncle speeds up and we are zooming into the wind, laughing and squealing. By the time we get out of the car, we can't stand up straight. The wind has made us so loopy that we stay that way for the rest of the night. 
Now, we roll our windows down every time we drive past that salt marsh.



16 years old

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