A Conversation With Myself, Three Months Ago

Hi! (I run to my future self, hug her tight.)

Hi. (I pull away. Doesn't she know about social distancing?)

Good to see you! It's May for you, right? (I'm so tired of winter, being stuck inside unless I want to bundle up in a jacket.)

Yeah. (Right, it's May already. Has quarantine been that long? I'm tired of it, being stuck inside unless I'm sure I won't come within six feet of anyone.)

So, how was break? Did you help with the sets for the school musical?

Um...no. (What sets? What musical? What school? Doesn't she realize that each of those has a red X through them? Doesn't she realize they no longer exist?)

Oh. Well, you saw Grandma, right? How was that?

Oh, right. Um, I texted her. Does that count?

Are you saying you didn't go anywhere on spring break? (What did she do, just stay at home for a whole week? Who would do that?)

Don't you know about the virus? (How can she not know?)

Oh, that thing in China? What's it called again?


Oh, yeah. (I'll probably forget it in ten seconds and never remember it for the rest of my life. It's not really a big deal, though. Just a long name. Anyway.) How's school?

Well, it's not too bad. Can get stressful, though. I miss real school, with classmates and teachers and all that.

Real school? (What is she talking about? Why is she acting so weird?)

Never mind.


Sorry. It's just weird. It's been so long since I went to school every day. Since I saw my friends. Since I could go out into the world. You know.

(I don't know.) What do you mean?

No, forget it. I'm sorry I brought it up. (Although, coronavirus is all anyone brings up these days. Why am I apologizing?)

Brought what up?


Oh, I have to go. Time for dance class.

Bye. (Wow, getting in a car and driving to a place with other people. I remember that.)

(Why is my future self so...different? She's talking about such weird things.)
(Maybe I just heard wrong.)
(Maybe I'm dreaming.)
(Because someone's life can't change that much in three months.)



17 years old

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