There's a tree in my garden. Well, there's more than one, but this is the tree iv'e grown up around. My mum's contorted hazel. It's really really old- i've been told stories about how it belonged to my great grandmother Winnie, and was passed to my nan and then my mum. My mum has had it for a long time now, probably twenty or so years. we've moved houses four times, and the contorted hazel has come with us to each one. it's strange to think that this one tree in my garden has seen my nan and my mum and me all grow up from tiny children to where we are now. One day it'll be passed to me, and it will see my children grow up too. sometimes i ask it questions about my family- i know it has the answers, and i like to imagine it as sort of the guardian angel of my family, always there for us and watching us grow and develop. it's kept in a plant pot, because we need to be able to move it if we move house again. the thought of having to leave it behind isn't an option. it hs so much sentimental value and holds so many memories within it's branches. so that's why this is the tree i needed to write about.
Contorted Hazel
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